Expand Your Horizon:
Export Your Amazon Business to the EU

Unlock the European market’s potential with our bespoke ‘Export on Amazon’ services. Whether you prefer hands-on guidance or a comprehensive done-for-you solution, we pave the way for your business’s seamless expansion from the UAE to the EU.
Amazon Account Management

Why pure listing won't bring the desired success in the EU region

Navigate Your Way to Success in the EU Amazon Marketplace

Embarking on your Amazon EU journey presents a golden opportunity to tap into a mature marketplace brimming with potential. With Boom Commerce by your side, you’re not just attempting to enter the EU market; you’re setting yourself up for a triumph. Led by Mareike, whose vast experience spans from insider roles at Amazon to launching and scaling her own brands alongside her partner, Karsten, our team embodies the essence of success on Amazon. We’ve walked the path you’re on, turning challenges into milestones.

The EU Amazon marketplace is a landscape of immense traffic, offering unparalleled visibility to brands that know how to navigate its complexities. However, with this opportunity comes fierce competition. It’s a market where understanding the intricacies and leveraging the right strategies can make all the difference between blending in and standing out.

At Boom Commerce, we specialize in unlocking the EU market’s potential for your brand. Having aided numerous brands in making their mark in this senior marketplace, we bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and proven strategies. We’re well-versed in what it takes to differentiate a seller from a market leader. Success here isn’t just about having your products listed; it’s about mastering the art of visibility, conversion, and sales in a space where every detail counts.

Our comprehensive approach doesn’t stop at just introducing your products to the EU Amazon marketplace. We dive deep into strategic planning, market analysis, and optimization to ensure your brand not only enters the market but also thrives amidst the competition. From understanding the best practices for listing optimization to navigating the complexities of Amazon’s advertising platform, we equip you with the tools and insights necessary for success.

Joining forces with Boom Commerce means embracing a partnership that’s focused on holistic growth. We recognize the challenges of entering a mature marketplace like Amazon EU, but we also see the boundless opportunities it presents. Our journey has taught us the keys to unlocking these opportunities, from nuanced market entry strategies to scalable growth plans tailored to your brand’s unique needs.

Let’s embark on this journey together. With Boom Commerce, you gain more than a service provider; you gain allies who have mastered the Amazon marketplace and are committed to helping you achieve the same level of success. Step into the EU Amazon market with confidence, backed by a team that knows every turn and is dedicated to guiding you every step of the way.”

What you Get - Tailored Services for Your Amazon EU Expansion

At Boom Commerce, we understand that each brand’s journey to the Amazon EU marketplace is unique. That’s why we offer two distinct packages designed to meet your specific needs, whether you’re looking for guidance to do it yourself or prefer a comprehensive, done-for-you solution.

Package 1: DIY Service - Equip Yourself for Success

Our DIY service is crafted for brands that possess the internal resources to manage their day-to-day operations but need expert guidance to navigate the complexities of expanding into the EU market. Here’s what you get:
We start with a call to dive into your brand’s needs and your starting point. This crucial step ensures that our support is perfectly tailored to your situation.
We start with a call to dive into your brand’s needs and your starting point. This crucial step ensures that our support is perfectly tailored to your situation.
Once you’ve launched, we provide a master plan focused on mastering the region—gaining visibility and winning conversions. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the post-launch phase, ensuring you capitalize on the momentum of your new EU presence.
This package is ideal for brands looking to receive concise knowledge and procedures, enabling their in-house team to execute with precision.

Package 2: DIFY Service - We Do It For You

For brands looking for an all-inclusive service where we handle everything, our DIFY (Do It For You) package is the answer. It includes:
Similar to the DIY service, we begin with a kickoff meeting to understand your specific needs and starting points, ensuring our service aligns with your brand’s goals.
We not only outline the path to success but also walk it for you. From account creation to listing optimization, our team takes charge of the entire process.
Our service includes creating listings with text optimized for the local language, ensuring your brand resonates with the EU market.
We enhance your brand presence with professionally designed content and graphics, making sure your listings capture the essence of your brand and appeal to the European audience.
This package is perfect for brands that prefer to outsource the complexities of expansion to experts, focusing instead on their core business while we ensure their successful entry and growth in the Amazon EU marketplace. Whether you choose our DIY or DIFY package, Boom Commerce is committed to providing the expertise and support needed to make your expansion into the EU a resounding success. Let us guide you through every step of the way, ensuring your brand not only enters the market but thrives in it.

Navigate Your Way to Success in the EU Amazon Marketplace

DIY Service - Equip
Yourself for Success

What's Included:

  • Customized Action Plan: Tailored roadmap detailing step-by-step actions for launching and thriving in the Amazon EU marketplace.
  • Initial Onboarding Call: A deep dive into your brand’s needs and starting points to ensure targeted guidance.
  • Post-Launch Strategy Guide: Expert advice on gaining visibility and winning conversions after your launch.
  • Access to Exclusive Resources: Guides, checklists, and templates designed to streamline your EU expansion.

This package is for you if you are...

A brand with the capability to manage day-to-day operations internally but seeking expert guidance to navigate and excel in the Amazon EU market confidently.

DIFY Service -
We Do It For You

What's Included:

  • Full-Service Launch Management: From account creation to optimization, we handle every detail of your Amazon EU setup for going live.
  • Localized Content Creation: Professional translation and SEO optimization of your listings to resonate with the EU market.
  • Enhanced Brand Presence: Creation of A+ content, brand store design, and product picture localization tailored to the EU audience.
  • Comprehensive Launch and Growth Strategy: We don’t just launch your products; we actively prepare your presence for sustained growth.

This package is for you if you are...

A brand looking for a comprehensive, hands-off approach to entering and succeeding in the Amazon EU market, preferring experts to take the reins for seamless expansion.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

To choose the right package, consider your internal resources, both in terms of expertise and time. If you have the team to implement strategies but need direction, the DIY package might be for you. If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution where we handle everything, the DIFY package is ideal. If you’re unsure, let’s have a conversation to find the best fit for your needs.
The goal of our DIFY service is to get your account and listings up and running efficiently. The timeline can vary based on your specific needs and readiness but typically, we aim to complete the initial setup within a few weeks.
Yes, we provide a dedicated account management service post-launch. This is one of our bestseller services where we manage your account as if it were our own, ensuring continued growth and optimization.
The duration depends on various factors, including your available resources and legal readiness. Typically, the process takes about 3-8 weeks to get everything in place for a successful launch.
Yes, once you store inventory in an EU country, a VAT number for that region is required. You don’t need a VAT number for all EU marketplaces initially. We suggest starting with one marketplace, preferably Germany (DE), due to its strategic geographic location and accessibility to other EU markets.
Absolutely. Our service includes support for setting up the legal and logistical framework required for exporting to the EU. This covers everything from VAT registration to ensuring your logistics meet EU standards.
We handle the localization of your listings, including translation and SEO optimization, to ensure your products resonate with customers across various EU countries, eliminating the language barrier. Please make sure that you can offer customer service at least in English in case you take care of your EU account yourself.
While it’s possible to expand to multiple marketplaces, we typically recommend starting with one to streamline the process and focus on building a strong presence before expanding further.
Amazon Advertisement is a crucial part of selling successfully. Our Account Management service is perfect post launch: it includes comprehensive Amazon Advertising support. We’ll develop and manage your advertising campaigns to ensure optimal visibility and sales in the EU marketplace.